
‘Pretty Lies is an absolute stunner of a book. It's beautifully written, with perfectly crafted characters, an action-packed plot and some deliciously witty dialogues'
The world of Pretty Lies is one that sucks you in from the get-go and swirls you around at top speed. And, people, what a ride!
In a world where the Enlightened Society runs a tight show, all the citizens of the Northern unity know is that the rules are there to keep them safe. For young Ivy, the secure existence of her regimented life is all she's ever known - and trusted. But when she witnesses a gruesome crime and her world comes crumbling around her, turning her from a law-abiding citizen into a fugitive associated with the rebellion, Ivy can do nothing to stop the chaos that ensues.
Pretty Lies is an absolute stunner of a book. It's beautifully written, with perfectly crafted characters, an action-packed plot and some deliciously witty dialogues. The pace of the story is just right, with more than enough to keep you turning page after page after page.
I loved the book's dystopian premise, but my favourite part was how it handles an incredibly delicate topic. It talks of the difficulty of going against the grain, of fighting everything you've ever known when you're suddenly faced with a different truth.
The book isn't just about going counter-current as an individual against an oppressive and controlling system - though it covers that expertly. It goes further: how do you fight your own conditioning? How can you know what's true when the fabric of your reality starts to fray? How do you emerge back from questioning everything, even yourself?
Pretty Lies is one of these books that's full of subtlety. One that will make you both reflect and feel deeply. A highly recommended read.
This book is the first in its series, with the sequel coming out in the autumn of 2021 - and I, for one, cannot wait to see what happens next!